
Artist Credit: @Chairman_Ting, Vancouver, 2020


UPDATE - April 29, 2020

The artists want you all to know they have felt so blessed to be able to do this work. The outpouring of good will, gratitude and hope that folks have extended to the artists has been a beautiful thing! Thanks Vancouver for pulling together during this time and spreading the love. Check out #makeartwhileapart on IG and FB to see more art. If you snap a good pic, please use the hashtag!

Check back here in a few weeks for the official VMF #MAKEARTWHILEAPART recap video.

Want to support this project? Click here!



UPDATE - April 18, 2020

ADDITIONAL MURALS With the fast developing size of the project, we have reached the limit of murals we can oversee production on for the time being. The purpose of this list is to connect artists with additional business who are interested in a mural. As new requests come in from local business owners, we will be happy to connect them with artists like you. It will be up to you to arrange your supplies, paint and access with the owner. For these additional murals, you will be managing your own project. You must be totally self-sufficient. When painting, we ask that you take extreme care and attend immediately to any spills or drippage. Note: While you will be responsible for negotiating your own fee with the business owner, we will make sure they know its is very important to compensate artists and will have that conversation with them before connecting them with you. By signing up, there is no guarantee of getting a wall. You are signing up to be on a waitlist. Thanks!

Want to support this project? Click here!

Want to be a part of the project as an artists? Please sign up here to be on file

APRIL 16, 2020

Vancouver Mural Festival is partnering with a number of local businesses and Business Improvement Associations to support local artists while bringing hope and positivity to the streets in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. With boarded up windows becoming an increasingly common occurrence in neighbourhoods across the city, VMF enlisted a large group of its alumni and other local artists to donate temporary mural work to these locations. We anticipated the creation of more than 40 temporary murals across several areas in only a few days. All artists will be designing imagery and messages to spark joy and/or celebrate the resilience of our communities; and will be paid an honorarium with supplies being be covered.

In this time of uncertainty, we are drawing on our deep network of community partners, sponsors and local BIA’s to rapidly mobilize support for Vancouver’s artists and local businesses.

100% of the funds contributed by local BIA’s, Sponsors and the City are going directly to the artists, as VMF is waiving all fees, costs, and staff time for coordinating this program.

During this project the City of Vancouver COVID-19 social distancing rules will remain in effect and all artists will be following health and safety regulations. While we understand the excitement of live mural painting we strongly urge the public to stay home and enjoy the progress of the murals by following the hashtag #MakeArtWhileApart through our Instagram and Facebook.

Adrian Sinclair




VMF Alumni: Ben Johnston