Special Thanks to Gabriel Martins for the photos and Kayla Drobot for the GIF-transformations!
Thanks to our over 60 Artists! And thanks to our Sponosrs and Partners.
#MAKEARTWHILEAPART is made possible by Vancity Credit Union and created in partnership with the Downtown Vancouver BIA, South Granville BIA and Robson BIA. Big thanks to the City of Vancouver for supplying the paint! And special thanks to Goodbye Graffiti for supplying us with protective coatings on the murals.
Artist: Mega McGrath @megamcgrathh
GIF by Maggie MacPherson/CBC
Left wall artist: Victoria Sieczka @victoriasciez
Right wall artist: Ali Bruce @alitbruce
GIF by Maggie MacPherson/CBC
Artist: Jason Mcrae
GIF by Maggie MacPherson/CBC
Artist: Taka Sudo @takasudoart
GIF by Maggie MacPherson/CBC
Artist: Priscilla Yu @priscillayuart
GIF by Maggie MacPherson/CBC
Artist: Oksana Gaidasheva @oxana_gaida
GIF by Maggie MacPherson/CBC
Artist: Sandeep Johal @sandeepjohalart
GIF by Maggie MacPherson/CBC
Artist: Andrew Tavukciyan @tavukciyan
GIF by Kayla Drobot
Artist: Mark Illing @Mark_Illing
GIF by Kayla Drobot
Artist: Aimee Young @_aimeeyoung
Artist: Will Phillips @sketchbork
GIF by Kayla Drobot
Arist: Fraser Adams @frazercreative