VMF Alumni: Ben Johnston

Ben Johnston is the kind of person everyone could get some inspiration from whether in creativity, travel, community connection, or all around general do-what-makes-you-happy life practices. Since painting his 2018 “TOGETHER” mural in Strathcona with VMF, his unique typography and lettering work has taken him around the world and continues to turn heads. We can’t wait to see what he brings to more public spaces.

“TOGETHER” in Strathcona, Vancouver

“TOGETHER” in Strathcona, Vancouver

“HEART OF GOLD” captured by Nico Glaude

“HEART OF GOLD” captured by Nico Glaude


What is your art background?

I spent 5 years working at advertising agencies before deciding to go full-time freelance and pursue branding and custom typographic work. After a few years of focusing on digital work I painted my first mural in an office in Toronto about 6 years ago and haven’t looked back since.

How did you get into mural painting?

When I first moved to Toronto from Cape Town, I got a desk at a shared co-working space where there was an opportunity to paint a wall. After some trial and error over a couple of years, I finally figured out how to scale my work on a larger scale and now I focus almost entirely on custom typographic murals.

What was your first mural experience like?

It’s pretty daunting in the beginning. There’s a lot to learn about different paints, tapes and finishes that only time can teach you. It’s a learning curve, but luckily a lot of fun going through the process.

“LOVE” in Novi Sad, Serbia

“LOVE” in Novi Sad, Serbia

“HEART OF GOLD” in Sudbury Ontario

“HEART OF GOLD” in Sudbury Ontario

Any advice for 2020 VMF artists?

Create something the community can connect with.

Any other art festivals/projects you've painted for recently?

I’ve had the opportunity to work on some really great projects since then in Serbia, Spain, Michigan and I’m heading to India next month to work on something special for the community. Mural painting has opened up some amazing opportunities to travel so I’m excited to see where it’ll take me next.

What are some future goals/aspirations/sweet projects you want to be a part of?

I’m working on some ideas for larger works in public spaces that involves working with new materials, so I’m hoping to start bringing some of those to life this year.

If you could get a piece on any surface in the world where would it be?

The more remote the better. I like the idea of a mural or sculpture juxtaposed with nature.




VMF Alumni: Medianeras