Thank You, From Vancouver Mural Festival

We want to send a Huge Thank You to everyone who supported the Crowd-Funding Campaign!

Vancouver Mural Festival is created by the community for the community. In late 2019, we reached out to our friends and community for financial support to help fund the festival. The response was huge! 116 friends, family, partners and strangers participated in our crowdfunding campaign to ensure that public art in Vancouver would continue. Take a look at the all the donors here! We received donations of all sizes and shapes! Huge shout outs to our supporters big and small. A simple thank you, isn’t enough!

So, hiy-hiy nitotem. It means Thank you my friend in Cree.

Vancouver Mural Festival is organized by a group of friends who want to build the city they want to live in. We operate in an (ultimately chic!) basement office in Mount Pleasant. We have grassroots pedigree, we are local, and we just want to continue building a society that prioritizes arts and culture.

It is amazing to see our community show up for each other and to see how strongly people respond to public art. The most humbling part of the campaign was seeing the positive comments left by those that donated and shared our posts on social media. Again, thank you!

FAVE - Team 2019 - GabrielMartins_VMF_Strathcona Street Party_20190622_149.jpg

“I moved to Vancouver just over 12 months ago and I come from Adelaide South Australia. We’re quite an arts and festival city and Australia is as well. So when I saw the Mural Fest was on, I went along and checked it out. It’s a great opportunity for local artists to be able to express themselves to be creative in the city and to bring a vibe into the city as well. It is what I’ve seen in our major cities back in Australia. I just felt that it was really important to the culture of the city.”

-Sarah Catford


“I love seeing the creative format. The willingness to be experimental both during the Street Party and the festival.”

-Landon Hoyt

Landon is both a resident of Mount Pleasant, and the Executive Director of Binner’s Project. The Binner’s Project is involved in VMF’s Green Plan to process the refundables and recycling that the festival creates each year. Landon personally donated to the campaign and says he sees how valuable public art and this festival is to the culture of Vancouver.


The fundraising campaign has concluded, but VMF is committed year-round to our values, the fine details, to collaboration and learning from EVERYTHING. We hope to continue blowing minds and fostering a conscious culture in Vancouver.

There were many donations that spanned different categories and amounts. No matter what, the campaign was successful because it affirmed that public art in Vancouver is valued and needs to continue. It was inspiring to have the opportunity to hear and feel the support from the city. Ultimately, we raised 102% of our $20,000 goal! Every penny goes to paying for supplies and rentals needed for the production of the murals.

Again, we couldn’t do this without the support we have received from our friends, family, partners, sponsors, clients, and community.

A lot of heart goes into every aspect of the Vancouver Mural Festival. We're humbled by the support we've received for our fundraiser and the collaboration we receive year-round. From the bottom of our hearts, hiy hiy nitotem (thank you my friend).

- Savannah Erasmus for VMF Panorama.


VMF Alumni: John Park (Jopa)


VMF Alumni: Jean-Paul Langlois