KC Hall: Untitled

Title: Untitled
Artist: KC Hall (Heiltsuk)
Partner: CMHC Granville Island
Event: Art Smash
Year: 2018

Mural Info:

Details: KC Hall seamlessly merges his North Coast Formline style with contemporary abstract, manga, and Graffiti visuals to form a distinct artistic vision that is totally his own. Bright colours, shapes, and gradients overlap as the hard black lines of graffiti and formline weave in and out of each other. His graffiti background also allows the artist to work incredibly quickly. This was painted over the course of only a day.

KC also leads workshops locally teaching Indigenous youth art skills and traditional teachings through Graffiti.

Artist bio: Kelsey Hall (KC) of Bella Bella, in Heiltsuk Nation territory on the central coast of BC, belongs to the House of Wakas and descends from noted Heiltsuk artist Chief Robert Bell. His artistic practice stems from handwriting, lettering and graffiti skills developed in high school. Mentored and influenced by many BC First Nations artists, KC has collaborated with local artists on many projects, including this mural for Granville Island’s newest public space. He has been commissioned for art that demonstrate his knowledge of traditional First Nations craft, creating a mural for the UBC Museum of Anthropology, and co-designing a Spirit Blanket that was presented to Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge during their visit to Bella Bella. KC’s art is modernist with traditional roots. His work arises out of the tension between ancient First Nations skills and traditions and the urban digital world he now inhabits. The skill with which KC navigates this rift shows in his use of formline to create habitat for traditional figures with a distinctively modern twist.

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Vancouver Mural Festival’s Indigenous Programs supports artists and organizations in the creation of public art and workshops for youth. We believe Coast Salish and other Indigenous artists have the power to reshape urban spaces by reflecting their contemporary and traditional values, stories, experiences, and ideas in this lasting and tangible way. 

Vancity’s generous support enables us to better connect the stories of these programs with the public. Below you will find information in the form of videos, pictures, interviews, articles, and more.

Note: Our definition of Indigenous includes First Nations, Métis, and Inuit.


James Harry & Lauren Brevner: The Greatful Heron


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