The Healing Quilt Hoarding Project
Working with Vancouver Chinatown Foundation we designed a hoarding mural wrap for a new housing development at 58 West Hastings. The hoarding project was implemented to mitigate the obstruction of VMF’s 2017 mural “The Healing Quilt”. The original mural has an important presence within the community as a memorial to those who have died during the ongoing fentanyl overdose crisis. As part of this project, the mural’s artwork has been extended onto hoarding throughout the North side of the construction site.
Client: Vancouver Chinatown Foundation
Year: 2021

The original mural, The Healing Quilt, was intended as a site of remembrance and hope for the people who live in Vancouver's Downtown East Side. Featuring East Coast and West Coast Designs the mural is both a memorial to those who have died during the ongoing crisis and a big beautiful bright gift for the folks who call the streets home.
Site of 58 West Hastings Street, Vancouver. (WT Leung Architects/Vancouver Chinatown Foundation)
“After 10 years of consultation, planning, review, and fundraising, construction will begin this summer on the largest social housing project in the Downtown Eastside and one of the largest developments of its kind within Vancouver.” - Daily Hive
Vancouver Chinatown Foundation is a registered charity committed to the revitalization of Chinatown, one of Canada's most iconic neighbourhoods.