In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic forced the city into lockdown, leaving downtown Vancouver and businesses in the surrounding areas boarded up and desolate. In response, over 6 weeks in April-May 2020, VMF teamed up with local artists, Business Associations, Vancity, City of Vancouver and Goodbye Graffiti to create over 60 temporary murals on storefronts to inspire hope, brighten streets, celebrate resilience and connect communities.
Project Description
As soon as we saw the thousands of feet of plywood boarding up the city, we started reaching out to our network with a pitch deck, timeline, and budget needs. Within days we pulled together a production team and put everything we had into patchworking this all together at lightning speed. During this time we were also trying to figure out how to transform Vancouver Mural Festival from a street party into … we had no idea at this point!. Thanks to the city of Vancouver, Vancity Credit Union, Downtown Vancouver BIA, Robson BIA and South Granville BIA, we secured the funding to take action. We reached to building owners, then to our network of artists via our Lead Curator, Drew Young. Once hired, artists received supplies, technical support and an honorarium for their work.
VMF handled the safety, insurance, comms with building owners, documentation, contracts, and clean up (all over 6 weeks!). It was early days of the pandemic and we took extra precautions to ensure we were limiting risks to our technical production staff, the artists and the passerby. Our Technical Director, Brit Lawrence, devised a contactless drop off process for the supplies to the artists, we created no-go areas around the artists to deter the public from coming too close to the artists, and we had implemented a rigorous sanitation process for the crew and site. In the end, it was the incredible outpouring of appreciation #MakeArtWhileApart online and at the walls, that made it such a beautiful project. It was a love letter to this place we call home.
Aimee Young | @_aimeeyoung
Alex Fowkes | @alexjfowkes
Ali Bruce | @alitbruce
Alison Woodward | @alisonannwoodward
Andrew Tavukciyan | @tavukciyan
Animalitoland | @animalitoland
Animalitoland | @animalitoland
Atheana Picha | @atheanapicha
Ben Knight | @sol.signs
Ilya Viryachev | @godzilya
Brett Robinson | @brettrobinson369
Nywn | @nywnart
Carmen Chan | @carmenchanart
Carrielynn Victor | @carrielynn_victor
Carson Ting | @chairman_ting
Chris Perez | @chrispperez
Ciele Beau | @cielebeau
Cody Swinkel @swinkels.signs
Drew Young | @drewstuff
Frazer Adams | @frazercreative
Graeme Zirk | @graemezirk
Hanna Lee Joshi | @hannaleejoshi
iHeart | @ihatestencils
Ilya Viryachev | @godzilya
James Knight | @fourhundredml
Jamie Bizness | @jamiebizness
Jason Mcrae
Jenn Brisson | @jennbrissonart
Jérôme Berthier | @jeromebberthier
JNASTY | @j_nasty808
Jocelyn Wong | @jocelynisyellow
KC Hall | @kc_hall_ar
Karen Yurkovitch
Katie So | @ghostmeadow
Lukas Lundberg | @luke046_art
Lukas Lundberg | @luke046_art
Marion Landry | @marionlandry
Mark Illing | @mark_illing
Mega McGrath | @megamcgrathh
Michael Rozen | @m.rozen
Michael Bock | @michaelrobertbock
NAKS | @naksonesdk
Nick Gregson | @nick.gregson
Olivia Di Liberto | @chillivia
Optimules Prime
Paige Bowman | @birdfingersss
Phil_Co + Benevely
Portia Pascuzzio
Priscilla Yu | @priscillayuart
Rea Zogia | @moonray_designs
Sage Lim
Sandeep Johal | @sandeepjohalart
Shannon Elliott | @paingardens
Taka Sudo | @takasudoart
Tierney | @tierneymilne
Tierney | @tierneymilne
NAKS | @naksonesdk
Tristesse Seeliger | @missytrissy
Victoria Sieckza | @vickiesiecz
Will Phillips | @willphillips.art